Hateful Alabama part 2

The day after we left Brenda our minds about Alabama did not change. Hate everywhere.

On a crossroads I wait for Andree as a truck stops next to me. The guy lowers his windows warning me to take another road. “This road is a very bad one. It is very dangerous because there is a lot of crime, drugs and blacks!” I just answer that it is a gorgeous country road. As he drives off the next car driver smiles and waves at me. He is black. The Alabama redneck might be right however. Within a mile I see something criminal. A huge fenced ranch villa overlooking a cottonfield where slaves used to work on the plantation.The land owner of the ranch definitly longs daily for the good old days before the Civil War (or what they call here in the south the War of the Northern Agression) when slavery was booming. A few miles down the road something proofs me right. A huge “Vote for free Republic Trump” sign pops up. Luckily we leave Alabama pretty soon after the ferry landing from Dauphin Island. We can’t wait to be in Florida. Enough is enough.


Een gedachte over “Hateful Alabama part 2

  1. Frits

    In Alabama zitten jullie duidelijk in Trumpland. Waar de tijd heeft stilgestaan. En je ziet hoe dun het laagje beschaving is. Ik kan mij goed voorstellen dat je hier meer dan genoeg van hebt. Dit is niet het Amerika van New York, Philadelphia, Seattle of Cincinnati. — Goede doorreis naar Florida, ook het het progressiefste deel van de VS, maar toch beter dan Missisippi of Alabama. Houdt ons op de hoogte!


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